The Importance of an Email List for your Business

Build an Email List Using These 5 Tips


Has your business implemented a strategy to build an email list?

You’ve worked hard to establish your business online, and that means you want to build an email list.

The great thing about an email list is that it gives you a way to put your message in front of a receptive audience. If someone signs up for your email list, they’re telling you they want to stay connected.

I’d like to give you 5 tips for building an email list. Here they are:

1). Greet Them with Welcome Mats

2). Don’t Let Them Get Away: Use Exit-Intent Popups

3). Use Trending Topics on Social Media

4). Offer Promotional Deals

5). Encourage Sharing


1). Greet Them with Welcome Mats

How do you welcome people to your website? If you’re trying to build an email list, a website welcome mat pop-up is one very effective strategy for collecting emails.

What’s so great about this strategy? The answer is that welcome mat popups are impossible to miss. And yes, this is why they boost conversions.  

2). Don’t Let Them Get Away: Use Exit-Intent Popups

Let’s say someone reaches your site and then clicks out of your welcome mat popup.

Suppose this person goes on to browse your site… and then goes to click away.

Boom. Now’s the perfect time for an exit-intent popup.

These popups are a good way to hail people and say: “Wait! Let’s stay in touch!” And yes, some people will take that opportunity.  

3). Use Trending Topics on Social Media

Let’s talk social media. When you think about your customers, what trending topics on social media are they likely to pay attention to?

If you know the answer to that question, you can make social media posts that participate in that conversation. As with anything advertising-related, find something to get their attention.

With each post, you’ll want to include a link encouraging them to sign up for your newsletter. If they like your posts, they’re more likely to sign up.  

4). Offer Promotional Deals

It’s a very good idea to offer people a promotional deal in exchange for an email address. I have created this for a few of my clients so reach out for a demo.

Think about it: you’re offering them an exchange. This appeals to our innate human sense of fairness, of trading one thing for another.

And of course, this also encourages people to buy from you.

Try offering a discount with your welcome mat popup. You could also offer a deal through a social media post that taps into a trending topic relevant to your brand.

5). Post Great Content and Encourage Sharing

Finally, one of the most exciting ways you can build an email list is by posting amazing content that addresses people’s needs. This will encourage sharing.

When they go to share, give them an option for emailing your blog posts to their friends. Make sure to include an email opt-in with the share – or at least, make sure one appears on the blog post.

If you post great content, your existing subscribers will recruit new ones for you.


Building an email list is a big accomplishment. It gives you a pool of people who’ve already said Yes to you at least once. The 5 tips we’ve covered here will help you create that group of people. Just remember, it takes time.

That said, it’s also a good idea to talk to a marketing expert who can bring that personal touch. Your business is unique to you, and that means you need someone who can get you custom results.

You’ve worked hard. If you want to make sure you’re getting the results you should be, please contact me for an in-depth strategy session.

The power is in the list!